Josef Balek is a painter autodidact. Since from the start of his creation he paints with oil color, but he proved also other techniques. The lust to paint he found when he saw the fantasy works on the exposition by the Czech painter Reon Argondian in 1993. His idiom was influenced by Reon’s kind but later he was fascinated from the work by the Czech artist Zdenek Kopac from Prague. These both artists were the ideals for Pepino’s future formation. After a visit of several museums he favoured the works of old Dutch masters as Rembrandt, Cuyp, Rubens, Neer, Eyck. Until today Pepino continues with these both techniques. Pepino participates on divers exhibitions in Czech Republic , Slovakia, Germany, Austria, Netherlands and France. His works are situated in the private collections and the public institutions.
In 2005 he founded and still leads the artistic group, where are roughly 40 artists from Bohemia, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Switzerland and Holland. He has received dozens of exhibitions in Bohemia, Slovak Republic, Austria, Germany and Holland.